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LOUD ART LIVE: a Digital Exhibition where Music meets Art

Loud Art Live a digital where music meets art. Inspired by York Art Gallery’s ‘When All is Quiet: Kaiser Chiefs in Conversation with York Art Gallery’. An exhibition that was foundered on the collaboration of music and art. The Kaiser Chiefs worked with the York Art Gallery’s curators and completely transformed the silent art gallery space. The famous indie-rock band who all grew up in Leeds, were brought back to the North after years of unimaginable success. They picked a selection of artworks from the gallery’s archive and then chose tracks to accompany each art piece. This exhibition explored how music can elevate static art in the contemporary age. Before the world met the digital revolution, art was far more multimodal in its static state. The colours, textures and vibrant pigment’s impact was that of music and moving image is today. Bringing music to art echoes the ekphrastic experience before technology.

Here at The Record Press, we want to look at art and music’s relationship as symbiotic. Loud Art Live has attempted to achieve the same affects as the York Art Gallery’s exhibition. Throughout the series we have brought together musicians represented by Waham Records and a variety of artists. Unlike ‘When All is Quiet’ we have started with the music opposed to the art. We hope the exhibition not only elevates both artforms, but also is a vehicle to represent young talented artists.

Head over to our INSTAGRAM highlight titled Loud Art Live to see the full exhibition. CLICK HERE to find out more about the York Art Gallery. Thank you to all of the artists and musicians who have contributed to this exhibition.

For more enquires about artist representation please contact us via email at

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